BPQ Dripbar

In order to consider you as a candidate for a franchise or business opportunity, please provide us with the following information:

Part I Personal Data


What specific type of opportunity are you interested in?

Single-Unit OwnerMulti-Unit OwnerArea Developer / Master Franchisee

Are you a US Citizen?


Any Military Service?


When would you like to start the business?

Immediately3-6 months1-3 months6+

How much in available liquid funds do you have to invest into your business (Liquid capital to invest)?

< $25,000$25,000 - $50,000$50,000 - $100,000$100,000 - $150,000$150,000 - $200,000$200,000 - $300,000$300,000 - $400,000>$400,000

Do you have recurring monthly income now?


Will you require assistance to source financing options?


Are you willing to use your IRA/401K funds to purchase the business (min. $50K in IRA/401K) ?


How is your credit?


Are there any issues or obstacles that need to be addressed prior to you getting started?


Part II Business Experience

Are you looking to Replace or Enhance your current income?

ReplaceEnhanceCreate transition incomeNot sure yet

Do you now or have you owned your own business?


Have you managed employees?


Part III Business Operations

Are you planning to be Hands-on or a Passive Owner?


Do you plan to operate the business yourself?

YesWith familyWith partner(s)

Do you tend to be assertive or easy-going in your undertakings?


Would you characterize yourself as being extroverted or introverted?


Are you task oriented or people oriented?


How are your internet marketing skills (e.g. AdWords, PPC, SEM etc)?


How are you social media skills (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc)?


Part IV Research and Discovery

How long have you been looking into purchasing a business / franchise opportunity?

Just Started1-3 months3-6 months6+

Are you presently looking into any other business or franchise opportunities?

True and Correct

It is understood that the purpose of this questionnaire is for information gathering only and is in no way binding upon you or us.

By selecting True and Correct, and submitting this questionnaire, you hereby state that the information contained is true and correct and acknowledge that a Franchisor or business seller may reply on this information.